Friday, October 23, 2009

Dance Jitters

Nigel: Ms. B, I'm so glad I found you. You are just the person I was looking for!

Ms. B: Well, good. What's up?

Nigel: Umm, well, I was just, uh, wondering... Would you go to the DANCE with me this afternoon?

Ms. B: Oh, Nigel! Thank you so much for asking! I wish I could, but I have plans right after school, so I can't go to the dance.

Nigel: Really? Oh, man. Dang it. Now I don't know who to ask.

Ms. B: Oh, I'm so sorry, Nigel. ...

Nigel: It's just that... I've already asked the librarian, the nurse, and the lunch lady. None of them can go either.

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